Book your next rental with Park Guest Tickets Preferred Rental Car company links. We know how hard it is and how expensive it is to rent cars so we've partnered with the best companies that consistently have the best deals for
Luxury Cars,
Compact Cars, Economy Cars, Mid-Size SUV's, SUV's, Minivans and even including
Airport Transfers to and from your hotel in style.
Why Rent a Car instead of using Mass Transit or a Hotel Shuttle?Renting a car gives you the flexibility to see a city in ways mass transit or a hotel shuttle can't. Car rentals are becoming more and more flexible to rent. Though each company has different policies most are relaxing the driver rules and who can rent whether it be 21 or older, 25 or older etc. In cities like Orlando, FL we would strongly recommend renting a car; as this city has so many things to do that mass transit and hotel shuttle just doesn't fit into most tourist's schedule. Paying for parking fees can be a pain but most parks only make you pay one time per day so that means you can come and go in and out the same park in the same day and only pay once. Look the attraction tickets already cost a ton of money the last thing you want to do is leave a park because the hotel shuttle or the mass transit schedule is set to leave while your still enjoying your time in the parks. We have seen this a lot and guest will end up the next day renting a car after experiencing that moment and at the end will say "RENTING A CAR WAS WORTH IT!"
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